There is a whole wide world out there to paint, to draw and I can't find anything. I have the pencil and brush in my hand, like a knife and fork, waiting for the perfect meal to come from the kitchen. Unfortunately I am the "cook" in the I literally took my pencil and brush to the kitchen and tried to cook up something...I painted the first things my eyes fell on. Just earlier today I bought fresh produce which were on the table and so here are my carrots and aubergines...interestingly, the striped one is called a Graffiti. I struggled through 6 sketches, going from bad to worse. So I threw away the rest and kept the first attempts.
Both these sketches were done in WC on Fabriano HP.
Click on the image to enlarge.
I just love your painterly style! So direct and fresh.
aahhhhhhh! I am very envious of your slump :-) This is so lovely, as always.
And they are so fresh and natural!
Wow! These are so well done. The combination of colours and the touches with the brush on the paper. Two masterpieces!
Ronell my favorite is the second one. Upon close inspection (hehehe)I have found numerous 'jewels' in this lively watercolor. I have several 'favorite' areas...the white veggie has lovely colour in it and a great blend of hard and soft edges. The contrast between the deep purple and blue is electrifying and the splashes of colour in the shadow areas keep the watercolor from vibrating too much. This is by far a most successful painting and the slump is offically over. have a great kitchen and painting day!!!
These are just beautiful!
I never get tired of your style Ronell. LOVE those carrots.
What Marta said followed by what Casey said. And I bet you cooked them as beautifully as you painted them!
Very nice, indeed!
Wonderful; I love to see watercolours that look like watercolours! They are both lovely, the carrots are very striking, and the second one has some great touches, like the purple reflection in the blue one.
Now my critic of the carrots. I do think this one was successful as well but i have one area that bothers me. The dark shadow under the leaves just stares at me. I think I am entranced by the subtle colour in the other shadow areas but don't see any here. The variation of the red/orange color of the carrots has my eyes traveling and so it carries me throughout the sketch. Both of these are successful also in that you've allowed the colors to mix themselves on the paper and for me that is always so hard to do!
These look good enough to eat. Except they are too beautifully colored-so fresh and bright.
Ohhhh, these make me want to eat some veggies. Beautiful!
Thank you for all the comments..I appreciate them.
Yes Marta, you're spot on with the carrots. My shading is not at all successfull...under the leaves it looks like something standing on it's own and it really does hurt the eye. I also threw in unnecessary shadings under the tips of the carrots, which does the same thing...and that v-shaped shadow which is supposed to follow the little tie around the carrots.. This is of course due to my uncontrollable habit of not leaving things alone! I had finished and then I thought I could maybe have them look a bit better and so the fiddling started! Thank you for noticing it and saying it...I really appreciate it....without positive critique I can't grow!!
Lush aubergines Ronell - I'm in love with those colours.
I actually like to draw and paint veg - they're such satisfying shapes - not to mention colours.
Well done for clambering out of your slump and painting. I love both of these.
Rather than throw away the ones you are less happy with, you could cut out the bits that do work (there are usually bits that do) and collage them, just for fun.
Slump? - if you say so... though the paintings surely don't show it.
I love the second one, the colour of the aubergines is perfect (I've tried painting aubergines as well, didn't really get the colour the way I wanted it....).
Ronell I couldn't agre more. These are brilliant brilliant brilliant.
Ronell, I've been there! Slumps can feel really aweful. The last time I was in one, I took myself on a date to and did some really relaxing and beautiful things. Sometimes, all you need are a few naps and a couple of low pressure outings for just yourself.
The carots are lovely!Take good care!
Gorgeous, Ronell! I love the fresh, splashy look...
Very nice. Fresh and watery (is that a word?)
Oh My God, there is nothing left to say - I love every bit of them!!! I may hate you ;-)
I like both of the pictures. So glad you updated. I come here almost every day just waiting, LOL..silently waiting...
these are gorgeous Ronell.
Hi Ronell, these are beautiful vegetables! Great colors. I also like your frog from an earlier post!
Absolutely gorgeous! The carrots, especially, are just so ALIVE.
Your paintings are so beautiful, it makes me feel happy and relaxed to look at them. especially those eggplants. I bought some today, to make ratatouille (sp?) but yours are so much nicer! Bunnies everywhere are longing for your carrots, I'll bet.
Hey, that's really good work for somebody who is uninspired! I especially love the aubergines, I just love blues and purples. :)
Thanks for the comments, they are all so inspiring.
I alos found Diahn's article on Wet canvas, very inspiring - makes me want to just get back into doing "small things", but things that give pleasure. See Diahn at
Thanks again to everybody.
Ronell, I love how you described holding the pencil and the brush in your hands like eating utensils, and you were waiting for the “perfect meal.”
The vegetables looked so beautiful. I love the carrots (even though I don’t really like eating carrots). The orange and the yellow compliment each other so nicely, they’re such a delight to the eyes.
W o n d e r f u l colours, Ronell! Keep up the good work! I always love to see more of it!
...And thank you for your nice words "whatever you chose to do, do it to the fullest!"
Kind regards from
I enjoy your art so much Ronell, whether in a slump or in perfect form, you always get it right.
Wow!!!!!!!!Just amazingly gorgeous, Ronell!!! They're so loose and colorful and watery---PERFECT!!
Ronell you turn everything into an uplifting rainbow, these are beautiful!!!
just waving hello...looking for pressure...but looking for updates..LOL...gosh everytime I come here I get inspired...I love your stuff. By the way you have great links too...
Well, if this is a slump... I just wish I had some of these myself! Both sketches are lovely, but I especially like the carrots one, so painterly and light.
What a great approach. When i hit a drawing funk, even my favorite subjects are uninviting -- that's probably because i am less willing to "surprise" myself. These are gorgeous -- just what you managed to do by pushing yourself into the kitchen is amazing. And i love the fact you chose to juxtapose the orange of the carrots with the purple underneath. Excellent.
These are great sketches. Sorry to hear about your slump. Just keep 'doing' and hopefully you won't be slumping for long. Your work is beautiful and so loose and I love looking at it. Good thought for you!
Why an I always hungry after visiting your blog?
These are gorgeous!!!
Lovely colors, and love the two pics next to each for eyes.
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