I put away all art, all stress, all guilt, all expectations. I went shopping(mostly window shopping) and I fiddled in the garden. I played piano and even wrote a song. You will never hear it. I concocted new recipes and did some cooking classes. I stole some mirabelles off someone's tree and got chased by the dog with the pink bow. I moved the furniture around and changed the kitchen. I took down wall paper and started painting the living room. I played and slept with my cats. I ate too much and excercised too little. I'm blaming it on the weather. I watched Wimbledon and cried because it's over.
I baked a cake for a friend's birthday, decided at midnight I'll do another one in the morning and helped myself to many slices. I sat in the rain and ate ice cream. Now I'm taking double dose vitamin c, because my throat is on fire. I went "brocante hunting" with a friend and bought other people's junk. I sold a couch and bought a bed.
I never switched on the computer. That makes me feel bad because I didn't visit any blogs. I dropped Hartman off at the station to go the States. I was so sad so I drove to the perfume shop and bought a bottle of Coco Chanel and a bottle of Hermes, now I don't feel sad anymore...just guilty.
So I did indeed take time out.....no more stress, no more guilt, maybe more inspired...? Don't know, time will tell. In the meantime, I have a living room to finish painting, I will be back next week, catching up on everybody's work.
In fear of being completely forgotten, I thougth I'd post some of my finds at the brocante, while I'm waiting for the undercoat on the walls to dry.
An old dilapidated little car, while waiting for the brocante to open after lunch and then some old silver and pewter finds and lastly the old daybed(lit ancien as it is simply called), which is to replace the couch I sold, but only after some restoration. I just did some quick sketches in my moleskine with pencil, pen and a wash...all wonky still, which means I probably still need some time out.
Ah, Cara .. I'm sorry this slump still haunts you -- but I think your time 'unstressed' is well spent. As someone told me when I complained of the same ailment "consider it pondering time' ... that special time you need to incubate ideas, desires, dreams, creations ... so incubate, cara ... and spend some time resting .. It will help -- it really will.
Huge HUGS!
I've always wanted such a day bed - now I have no room for one. The pewter plates are lovely.
Enjoy your time out, everyone will still be here when you feel like it again. I've been cooking all day myself - it's fun sometimes to return to old loves and to do it without guilt.
I'm sorry you've been in a slump, but it sounds like you had some fun recharging your batteries. I like that sketch of the daybed. I hope you feel rejuvenated soon.
Hi Ronell;
You know taking time out is good, not just for doing art. Sometimes doing other things, even unexpected things gives us a new focus on our art and on life. Take your time, and don't feel guilty about taking time off. It's summer, you're SUPPOSED to to take time off from life!!!
We'll still be here for you whenever you feel like talking or coming back!
Yes I have missed you (forget you - Never!) Your time off sounds Glorious to me and I would like to join you (especially the cake and ice cream parts!). You will be inspired and come back gang-busters and I am Ready!! (ps - wish you had come to NY for our crawl and I LOVE the bed you purchased!)
Hi Ronell, enjoy your time off. Have some fun. Relax. Goof off. Finish your projects. Sometimes it's just good to change gears and do something different. And the whole point of art and blogging is for pleasure...not when it feels like "work". I've been doing very little drawing this summer - there are so many other nice things to do. (thanks for helping us all not feel guilty!)
That's a brilliant idea of how to get through a slump--enforced non-arting and non-blogging. Maybe it's like what sex therapists advise when couples are having problems--they tell them to NOT have sex (which gives them time to pay attention to caring for one another and make the desire grow?). That would certainly apply to art--give you time to care for yourself, find your muse and allow it to seduce you back into the arms of art? I hope I'll remember this next time I'm in a slump and badgering myself to produce!
Have a good time we will wait here for you.
Slump or not...your fans are always happy to hear from you..and sending good thoughts your way!
I was wondering what you're doing. Your time-out sounds like the best idea, sometimes window shopping is the best kind of 'therapy' ;-)
I love the little car you have found... but then I've got that thing for cute little cars anyway...
Looking forward to read your next post - whatever you have to share.
I am heartily applauding you Ronell. Good for you! Good for you!
Well...first off..no way would I forget this blog. I check every day. We all go through these times..you'll get inspired again but heck, look at all you are getting done!!! I will keep checking back every day because I wouldn't want to miss a new piece of art...or anything you post. sandy
Whew ! There... finally a word from Ronell. Yes, we've missed you and your wonderful prose and art ... But indeed your time away sounds like something needed. Possibly it's the season, or just time for enjoying where you are. Come back when you are ready.
I was just about to check that you were OK, and there you are! Good to hear from you. I'm glad you are allowing yourself off the hook and enjoying some other projects. Meanwhile you haven't lost your touch with these little sketches. I love the daybed - that's going to look gorgeous once you've restored it.
Keep playing, and enjoy the summer! Look forward to reading more when (and only when) you are ready.
Not to worry -- you're not forgotten! ;-D I remember a friend once saying that a field MUST lie fallow for a spell if it is going to yield a good crop. So, relax, enjoy, de-stress!
Wow! Looks like you are doing a lot of fun, creative things with your time out! Enjoy youself, we have enough things that make us feel guilty, art, doing or not doing, shouldn't be one; it's for relaxation remember? I LOVE your art and hope to see more soon! In the meantime, I'll entertain myself looking over your previous posts and any new "stuff" you are doing...
Keep up the adventurous days! Slumps can be great - get a "floaty pool" and float!
I'm all for that. gooooooo swimming and
I think everyone needs time to rekindle the fire every now and again. And I think you do right not to fight it. There is a book, Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes - not about creativity per se, but she does discuss these issues. It's a wonderful book that I think every woman should have by her bedside. Beautifully written, drawing on Jungian archetypes and traditional fairytales to chart women's journey through life.
Hi Ronell - I haven't been able to comment in a while, but I enjoyed hearing about what you've been up to while I was in the US.. The sketches are great, and it sound like you've been having fun. Sometimes we just need a change....
I just came to see what you were up to, since I haven't heard of you for some time, and wow, you've been having a lot of fun! you've gone through every possible emotion, hahaha. I think you did great, it's a vacation, an arts vacation you took. Well done. Sometimes we need a change like Casey says. Take care. M
At last!!!...I've been worried about you!
You may have felt in an art slump--but in didn't sound like you were in an everything else slump. Having fun and relaxing is good for the soul. :) Just needed a break--we all do sometimes. Looks like you are right back in the swing of things again--nice work, as usual! :)
Always, Rita
So sorry you are having a hard time. I hope it will pass in time....be gentle with yourself! And thanks for mentining me!
I really like these sketches. They have a lot of character.!
I hope you are doing ok.
ok, so I'm missing you but glad you are just enjoying life right now...the creativity will burst forth soon I'm sure!
Well, one thing I am sure of: no matter how long your slumps may last, you will never be forgotten! I'm sure that with all that activity, your inspiration will come back soon. If not, try reading "Living Out Loud" by Ker Smith. I'm reading it right now and it has really great stuff!
I had no idea you were in a slump. My goodness, your art is so amazing, so briming with vitality and I'd just die to be able to paint like you - so I guess it never occured to me this could happen. So sorry, I hope you are finding your way out of it.
I'm very late to add my encouragement, but here it is, nevertheless. You're a wonderful painter and writer, too. I hope you figure out a way to minimize the slump time, but we all have them, don't we? Take good care and enjoy yourself and try not to have unrealistic expectations about production and perfection.
I haven't been online much over the past couple of weeks due to my upcoming house move but I'm sorry to read that you've been in a bit of a slump, Ronell. I must admit I was a little envious reading all the things you have been doing though......relaxing and taking time out for yourself is nourishing to the soul so try not to be too hard on yourself. Your blog is one of my favourite blogs to visit as I find such inspiration here and I love the way you write about things. I appreciate too that you also take time to visit my blog and leave such beautiful comments....it really means a lot to me. Btw, I love your painting style and these sketches are wonderful ~
I am so sorry that you are having to experience this slump. I was in one for many years, but I think you are doing the right thing. Doing something else and taking a break. Don't pressure yourself. These sketches are lovely and quick and I'm glad you did them even if you didn't feel too much like it. I really love your work. Have a lovely little break and we'll see you back soon.
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