Mr Frog arrived later than usual this year and is still awaiting the lady of this affair to arrive. Every evening he protests his discontentment at her not being here yet, in his distinguished baritone voice. I hope she arrives soon, I don't like seeing my guests unhappy.
Once again we had the honor of assisting in the arrival of Mr and Mr Swallow's young ones. What a lovely couple they are, so caring and loving and protective of the live they have created. the happy event happened only 5 days ago and it was a grand event here. We opened up a bottle of bubbly and all the guests attended to celebrate the wonder of new life and admire the 5 adorable infants.
Miss White butterfly brought many more of her friends along this year and I really had to be inventive to accommodate all these teenagers. But I love every minute of their delightful company! We have come into the habit of sharing an hour or so together every afternoon, where I learn from them all about being a delicate and beautiful and delightful adolescent again. Along with the ever roaming dark and handsome bees, they enjoy energetic parties until late night, Fortunately the neighbors haven't complained yet. I suspect they know and understand all about the habits of these young people...
We are also very honored to accommodate very well-known international models in our B&B every year, miss Dragonfly and company. They keep mostly to themselves, are very discreet and love their privacy. But when the moment shows itself, I'll stare at them shamelessly, wishing I had their elegance and beauty.
Soon they will all be moving on to make room for the next half of the summer guests, leaving me just enough time to tidy up, restock the pantry and put out fresh flowers. The arrival of our summer guests, is a highlight in the season, something we look forward to year after year.
All these sketches were done in pen and WC in moleskine.
All these sketches were done in pen and WC in moleskine.
It sounds so super there, with all the guests, the night sounds, and the beginnings of new life.
Wonderful wc's depicting all that activity.
You have such beautiful, interesting guests! Seems they give you infinite pleasure in return for your excellent accommodations. You are wise to appreciate your exciting life.
too much fun...couldnt wait to see what you were terming your summer
Love this B&B!
Your sketches are - as always - simply wonderful, but I especially enjoyed the story. I have a much nicer perspective on the wildlife in my yard now. Thanks for the much needed break in my day.
You had me going!! I was thinking, "hmm, I didn't know Ronell ran a B & B," only to discover very shortly the true identity of your "guests!" Outstanding story and FABULOUS sketches!! Loved every word and brush stroke.
you had me going too! so cool, I thought....she runs a b&b! HA! You've brought your guests to life for me with your beautiful watercolors! Thank you!
Well, it's not going to take much more than this to convince me that I MUST come for a night and see what all this magic is about! I'll have to email you soon so we can work out some dates! Will the dragonfly models be gone by sad that I might miss them! What a midsummer night's dream you live!
I love it when I click on my digest e-mail and find that you have posted new sketches. It makes my day!
These are some of the nicet summer drawings/paintings I have seen in a long time. They will be great to look back to when cold weather returns with its different visitors. Your accompanying notes are a joy to read.
What a treat! These are just delightful, Ronell. It's so much fun to see all your 'guests' close up. I feel honored to have heard Mr. Frog complaining in person. You've brightened up this grey day for me - thank you!
i love all of them! very very nice. i hope mr frog finds his companion soon.
Ronell! I did not know you ran a B and B for such elegant visitors. I'm very impressed. My compliments to the gardner!This post is the essance of summer!
Love your B&B post with the description of its' guests. This was so fun Ronell. Paintings are beautiful and delicate as usual. Don't let those teenagers wear ya out okay...I'm having the same problem with mine...very energetic and raucous...
I must subscribe to your emails..I always come late to the party.
What a charming narrative- I felt like I was there, marveling at your guests in person :)
Your paintings are beautiful!
Ronell, you are just a blast - Lovely work as always! What a treat to be your Guest!!
How lovely! If you ever start accepting human guests, I believe I'll have to make a flight over and stay a while - such fabulous and interesting company it would be!!
Your blog is just a delight to read and look at! You've managed to make me smile on a cold, wet day here - thank you.
They are beautiful guests, Ronell, the very best kind, I think. I would adore to have Swallows born in my garden and a cloud of butterflies in the lavender was one of my most magical early memories of a European summer.
Now I'm going to subscribe to your blog so I don't arrive last with my praise!
What a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing this part of your life. I love your sketches.
You make it look and sound idyllic! Wonderful post.
Wonderful nature sketches - so loose and colorful!
What wonderful sketches and I just love the way you write! It's what makes your blog so interesting.
Ok Ronell, here's the deal. You have a contest offering the winner a weeks all expenses paid vacation to your b & b, then you pretend to honestly pick the winner... but all along it will be me that gets to come. Oh what fun it will be.
Oh the other hand.... have you ever given thought of writing an illistrated book of a summer or fall etc in the life of Ronell? I think it would be wonderful to read and look at. You have such a way with words and paints........ Give it some thought, for us, your fans.
Thank you for all the kind comments.
You made an interesting point there, Sandy and Robyn...subscribing to a blog? I don't know how that works and thought that was for "professional bloggers"...I would also like to subscribe to some work, because I also arrive late with comments...tell me too how to do it!
OH what fun you are! I loved the story and was ready to sign up to visit your B&B, maybe you should think about writing ads for peoples business'! Great work.
oh to have a subscribe button..I would go to the dashboard and read up from there. Maybe it will talk about it. If not just google how to put email subscription on blog, that ought to do it..but I would definitely sign up. I wanna be in line FIRST...its' all about me, don't ya know..hahaha.
This was such a delight to read and see. I'm awed by your creativeness, sense of humor and talent. A little butterfly landed on my knee the other day in my backyard and I got to study it for a quite awhile. It reminded me of how my mother used to give me "butterfly kisses" with her eyelashes as it was so delicate and gentle.
Love, *love*, the story, Ronell. And of course the beautiful pictures that illustrate it all. Your garden is as magical as the one in Secret Garden. :)
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